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Optional params with Play 2 and Swagger

I'm trying to use Swagger to document a Play 2 REST API but swagger-play2 doesn't seem to understand optional parameters defined with Scala's Option type - the normal way to make a param optional in Play 2:

GET /documents controllers.DocumentController.getDocuments(q: Option[String])

I want the q param to be optional. There is a matching annotated controller method with this Option[String] param. On startup I'm getting UNKOWN TYPE in the log and the json produced by api-docs breaks swagger-ui:

UNKNOWN TYPE: scala.Option
[info] play - Application started (Dev)

Is there another way to specify an optional parameter in Play 2 and have Swagger understand it?

like image 491
Tom Wadley Avatar asked Feb 18 '14 12:02

Tom Wadley

1 Answers

One workaround I've found so far is to remove the param from the params list, use Swagger's @ApiImplicitParams annotation and grab the param from the request object in your controller method. Swagger will then consider the param to be optional.

GET /documents controllers.DocumentController.getDocuments()

and then in the controller:

  new ApiImplicitParam(name = "q", value = "Query", required = false, dataType = "string", paramType = "query"),
def getDocuments = Action { implicit request => 
  // use param via request object

This is certainly not as nice as using Scala's Option type but it produces correct Swagger docs.

like image 53
Tom Wadley Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 11:10

Tom Wadley