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How do you ignore the String() method when printing a golang struct?




I have a golang struct, and have created a String() method for use in the program's normal operation. I now want to see the whole contents of the struct. I tried the usual %+v format but it seems to use the String() method instead of showing me all the fields. How can I output the raw structure data?

Example: https://play.golang.org/p/SxTVOtwVV-9

package main

import (

type Foo struct {
    Jekyl string
    Hyde  string

func (foo Foo) String() string {
    return foo.Jekyl // how I want it to show in the rest of the program

func main() {
    bar := Foo{Jekyl: "good", Hyde: "evil"}
    fmt.Printf("%+v", bar) // debugging to see what's going on, can't see the evil side



But I want to see what you get without the String() method implemented

{Jekyl:good Hyde:evil}
like image 542
Tim Abell Avatar asked Jan 28 '18 21:01

Tim Abell

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To print a string in Golang we have to use the package fmt which contains the input/output functions. The correct specifier tells the data type of variable we are printing. The specifiers we can use to print the strings are: %s − By using this we can print the uninterpreted strings or slice.

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1 Answers

Use the %#v format

fmt.Printf("%#v", bar)


main.Foo{Jekyl:"good", Hyde:"evil"}

ref https://stackoverflow.com/a/26116578/10245


like image 151
Tim Abell Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 17:09

Tim Abell