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How do you get the identity value after using MERGE when there is a match?



Say I have a table with an identity field. I want to insert a record in it if it doesn't already exist. In the below example, I check if the value stored in @Field1 already exists in the table. If not, I insert a new record:

Definition of the table:

MyTable (MyTableId int Identity not null, Field1 int not null, Field2 int not null)   

This is how I check if the value already exists and insert it if necessary

merge MyTable as t using (@Field1, @Field2) as s (Field1,Field2) on (t.Field1=s.Field1) when not matched then     insert (Field1,Field2) values (s.Field1,s.Field2); 

Getting the identity value when the record didn't already exist in the table can be done by adding:

output Inserted.MyTableId   

but what if the record was already in the table (ie if there was a match)?

The only way I found is to query the table after executing the Merge statement:

select MyTableId from MyTable where Field1=@Field1 

Is there a way to get the identity value directly from the Merge?

like image 930
Anthony Avatar asked May 18 '12 10:05


People also ask

How do I get the identity column value after insert?

Once we insert a row in a table, the @@IDENTITY function column gives the IDENTITY value generated by the statement. If we run any query that did not generate IDENTITY values, we get NULL value in the output. The SQL @@IDENTITY runs under the scope of the current session.


WHEN MATCHED clause in SQL Server MERGE statement is used to update, delete the rows in the target table when the rows are matched with the source table based on the join condition. In this case, Locations is the target table, Locations_stage is the source table and the column LocationID is used in the join condition.

How many when matched clause can be used in a MERGE statement?

The MERGE statement can have, at most, two WHEN MATCHED clauses. If two clauses are specified, the first clause must be accompanied by an AND <search_condition> clause. For any given row, the second WHEN MATCHED clause is only applied if the first isn't.

WHEN NOT MATCHED BY target and condition?

A WHEN NOT MATCHED clause is executed if no target-table row joined while forming the candidate row. WHEN MATCHED and WHEN NOT MATCHED clauses can be specified in any order, but the first clause applicable to a candidate row is the one executed by that row.

1 Answers

In the case when the record already exists, you can store the matched id into a variable like this:

DECLARE @MatchedId INTEGER;  MERGE MyTable as t .... .... WHEN MATCHED THEN     UPDATE SET @MatchedId = t.MyTableId; 

Here's a full example. This demonstrates one way:

DECLARE @UpdateVariable bit DECLARE @ChangeResult TABLE (ChangeType VARCHAR(10), Id INTEGER) DECLARE @Data TABLE (Id integer IDENTITY(1,1), Val VARCHAR(10)) INSERT @Data ([Val]) VALUES ('A');  MERGE @data AS TARGET USING (SELECT 'A' AS Val UNION ALL SELECT 'B' AS Val) AS SOURCE ON TARGET.Val = SOURCE.Val WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN     INSERT ([Val])     VALUES (SOURCE.Val) WHEN MATCHED THEN      UPDATE SET @UpdateVariable = 1 OUTPUT $action, inserted.Id INTO @ChangeResult;  SELECT * FROM @data SELECT * FROM @ChangeResult 

Points to note are:

  • $action will give you what type of action was performed for a row (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE)
  • @ChangeResult table will hold the info as to what types of changes were made
  • for the WHEN MATCHED case, I am basically setting a dummy variable. This doesn't serve any purpose here other than to ensure the UPDATE path gets hit to generate the UPDATE row in the output. i.e. that @UpdateVariable is not used for anything else. If you actually wanted to update the existing row, then you'd put a proper UPDATE in here, but in the case where you don't want to actually UPDATE the existing row, then this "dummy" update seems to be required.
like image 154
AdaTheDev Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 00:09
