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What happens when you forget to close and deallocate cursor?

Leaving cursor open is known as a bad practice.

  • But what really happens when you forget to close and/or deallocate it?
  • How does it affect SQL Server, connection/session?
  • Are there any differences in consequences for queries, stored procedures and triggers using cursors?
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Mike Avatar asked Mar 07 '12 16:03


People also ask

What happens if we don't deallocate cursor?

Not deallocating AFAIK only has to do with performance. The aforementioned resources will remain allocated and thus have a negative effect on server performance.

What happens if we dont close the cursor in Oracle?

If you open such a cursor, it will stay open until you CLOSE it explicitly or you disconnect your Oracle session.

What is deallocate cursor?

DEALLOCATE removes the association between a cursor and the cursor name or cursor variable. If a name or variable is the last one referencing the cursor, the cursor is deallocated and any resources used by the cursor are freed. Scroll locks used to protect the isolation of fetches are freed at DEALLOCATE .

What is close and deallocate cursor when it is in open state?

Just to add: if you use the cursor stored in local variable declared somewhere in the script (e.g. DECLARE @cursorName CURSOR ) use appropriate cursor type ('variable') when getting status: CURSOR_STATUS('variable','@cursorName'). deallocating a cursor automatically closes it.

What happens when the cursor is fully deallocated but not closed?

This freeing is not the same as closing the cursor -- if a cursor is fully deallocated but not closed, the locks the cursor held (if any) remain in place until the end of the transaction, per the docs.

What is the difference between close and deallocate?

CLOSEand DEALLOCATEserve different purposes. CLOSEleaves the cursor available for reopening later; DEALLOCATEdecreases the reference count and causes the cursor to be freed when the last reference is gone.

Is the cursor closed when the cursor variable goes out of scope?

However, in the CLOSE docs, nothing is mentioned that the cursor is closed when a cursor variable goes out of scope.

What is the effect of cursors on server performance?

The aforementioned resources will remain allocated and thus have a negative effect on server performance. allocated resources from (open or closed, but non deallocated) cursors will remain allocated until the session (or connection) is closed Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow!

1 Answers

It depends on whether you declared the cursor locally or globally (and what the default is in your environment - default is global but you can change it).

If the cursor is global, then it can stay "alive" in SQL Server until the last piece of code is touched in the scope in which it was created. For example if you call a stored procedure that creates a global cursor, then call 20 other stored procedures, the cursor will live on while those other 20 stored procedures are running, until the caller goes out of scope. I believe it will stay alive at the session level, not the connection level, but haven't tested this thoroughly. If the cursor is declared as local, then it should only stay in scope for the current object (but again, this is theoretical, and I haven't done extensive, low-level memory tests to confirm).

The general concept, though, should be: when you're done with something, say so.

In order to make my cursors as efficient as possible, I always use the following declarations:


I've also heard that there can be memory issues if you only CLOSE or only DEALLOCATE so I always do both when I'm done:


However how many cursors do you have where cleaning up this syntax is an issue? If you have hundreds of cursors in your system, that is certainly a red flag to me.


As an addendum, I just want to clarify that cursors in and of themselves are not bad. They are often misused and abused, though - implemented in cases where a more efficient, set-based solution could have been implemented, but the person tasked with writing the query could only think procedurally. A few cases where cursors make sense:

  • Running totals. In my testing, cursors obliterate all pre-SQL 2012 set-based solutions (at least those that are documented and supported0.
  • Various administrative tasks, e.g. call a stored procedure for every row in a table or for every table or database.
  • When the set-based alternative is extraordinarily complex, or the task is a one-off.
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Aaron Bertrand Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 01:10

Aaron Bertrand