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How do you get the API key for Locu?




The documentation for Locu states that:

To enable access to the Data API, developers need to create a profile and obtain their unique API key.

Source: https://dev.locu.com/documentation/v1/

Problem is, I'm not sure on how to register in Locu, there is no registration section whatsoever. I tried going to the developer portal to register but it was no avail: https://locu.com/developers-and-partners/

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Matthew Francis Avatar asked Jan 11 '17 02:01

Matthew Francis

1 Answers

GoDaddy shut down new developer signups when they acquired Locu back in January 2017. Here's a post on the subject from GoDaddy support: https://www.godaddy.com/community/Developer-Cloud-Portal/Locu-API-Access/td-p/33447

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Tariq W. Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 07:10

Tariq W.