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What's different between PlotView and Plot?


I've seen two chart usages, PlotView and Plot.

If I use PlotView, I can use Model="{Binding MyModel}" only, I can't set other binding like source. I can't implement MVVM.

But if I use Plot, I can do any binding, and many sub-control setting in xaml likes series, axes, and so on.

May I know what's different?

like image 631
Po-Sen Huang Avatar asked Jan 12 '17 02:01

Po-Sen Huang

1 Answers

Both methods are right, and both respect MVVM pattern. I think the only difference between both is this, as the creator(Oystein Bjorke) said:

The PlotView component is now similar on all platforms, it contains only Model and Controller properties. The Plot control let you define axes, series, annotations etc. and this should only be available in XAML-based platforms.

link: http://discussion.oxyplot.org/topics/240-cant-define-axes-in-xaml/

As a personal opinion, at first I used the Plot component, but then I had a problem with it: If you want to import the plot, you have to first create the view. Then I switched to PlotView component and the import worked ok without the view being created.

like image 134
Jose Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 10:09
