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How do you force gradle to print or log all compiler commands executed?



I'm trying to see the exact compiler commands (in my case gcc) used by gradle during execution of all build tasks. Running with --debug doesn't output these commands, and output files in build/tmp don't have them either. I'm currently using Gradle 2.6

like image 932
Jonathan Ellithorpe Avatar asked Dec 13 '15 04:12

Jonathan Ellithorpe

2 Answers

See $projectDir/build/tmp

You should have a folder structure that looks something like:

│       options.txt
│       output.txt
│       options.txt
│       output.txt
│       options.txt
│       output.txt

options.txt contains the options passed to the compiler/linker etc, and output.txt contains the output of the compiler/linker.

like image 122
RaGe Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 07:10


The following snippet in build.gradle prints options (not complete command line):

toolChains {
    gcc(Gcc) {
        eachPlatform { 
            cppCompiler.withArguments { args ->
                println "----> C++ args: " + args
like image 2
marko Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 08:10
