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How Do You Do File Locking in Raku?





I've been trying to figure out how to do file locking in Raku without success. I started looking into fcntl with NativeCall, but then realized that fcntl locks don't prevent file access from other threads. What's the best way to do file locking in Raku?

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JustThisGuy Avatar asked Dec 28 '20 20:12


People also ask

How does file locking work?

File locking is a mechanism that restricts access to a computer file, or to a region of a file, by allowing only one user or process to modify or delete it at a specific time and to prevent reading of the file while it's being modified or deleted.

How do I lock a file in Perl?

lockf() function is used to lock parts of a file unlike flock() which locks entire files at once. lockf() can not be used in the perl directly whereas Perl supports the flock system call natively but doesn't applies on network locks. Perl also supports fcntl() system call which offers the most locking controls in Perl.

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If you are working on a file with other collaborators, be sure to lock files before opening them with Box Edit. This will prevent other users from making changes to documents that you are working on until you unlock the file. Locking files is not currently supported on our mobile applications.

What can you do with Raku?

Simple numeric computation without precision loss because of Rat s (rational numbers). Extensible grammars for parsing data or code (which Raku uses to parse itself). Raku is a very mutable language (define your own functions, operators, traits and data-types, which modify the parser for you).

How do you write a simple program in raku?

Raku programs consist of one or more statements. Simple statements are separated by semicolons. The following program will print "Hello" and then "World" on the next line. In most places where spaces appear in a statement, and before the semicolon, they may be split up over many lines. Also, multiple statements may appear on the same line.

How do I lock a file in Linux?

Once a mandatory lock is activated on a file, the operating system prevents other processes from reading or writing the file. To enable mandatory file locking in Linux, two requirements must be satisfied: We must mount the file system with the mand option ( mount -o mand FILESYSTEM MOUNT_POINT ).

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Raku has no yield statement like Python does, but it does offer similar functionality through lazy lists. There are two popular ways to write routines that return lazy lists: does not print 5. Private attributes are private, which means invisible to the outside world.

2 Answers

IO::Handle has a lock and an unlock method to lock/unlock files. Locks can be exclusive or shared.

like image 175
LuVa Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 00:11


I've come across these Raku-idiomatic phrases and use them a lot, with 'given' topicalizing for brevity/clarity:


    given $path.IO.open {
        .lock: :shared;
        %data = from-json(.slurp);


    given $path.IO.open(:w) {
        .spurt: to-json(%data);
like image 43
markldevine Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 01:11
