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How do you deploy to only one server with Capistrano v3?

How do you deploy to only one server with Capistrano v3? All the solutions I found out there deploy to every server, so, I would assume they are for v2.

I don't want to deploy a stage, I'm already using multistaging and I want to deploy to only one server in one of the stages.

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pupeno Avatar asked Jun 16 '14 08:06


2 Answers

As pointed out, in Capistrano 3 the way to deploy specific parts of your app to a single server is making use of HOST filtering. Let’s imagine that you are deploying directly to production and you have this configuration in config/deploy/production.rb

set :stage, :production

server "webserver1.example.com”,         roles: [:web]

server "appserver1.example.com",         roles: [:app]                   
server "appserver2.example.com",         roles: [:app]                   
server "appserver3.example.com",         roles: [:app]                        

server “dbserver1.example.com”,          roles: [:db]
server “dbserver2.example.com”,          roles: [:db]

Then if you want to deploy only to your webserver1, you just run the command:

cap --hosts=webserver1.example.com production deploy
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sdude Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 05:11


You must use settings multistage.

Capistrano 3.x is multistage by default.

In one of his stage you define only the server you want.

set :stage, :staging

server 'staging.zodiacmedia.co.uk', roles: %w{web app db}, port: 22

set :deploy_to, '/var/www/staging.example.com'

Run command:

cd /home/deploy/capistrano/example
cap staging something:to:do

This tutorial is old but may help you.

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gpupo Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 05:11
