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How do you deal with concurrency in NHibernate?



How do you support optimistic / pessimistic concurrency using NHibernate?

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Kevin Pang Avatar asked Sep 23 '08 01:09

Kevin Pang

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3 Answers

NHibernate supports 2 types of optimistic concurrency.

You can either have it check dirty fields by using "optimistic-lock=dirty" attribute on the "class" element in your mapping files or you can use "optimistic-lock=version" (which is also the default). If you are using version you need to provide a "version" element in your mapping file that maps to a field in your database.

Version can be of type Int64, Int32, Int16, Ticks, Timestamp, or TimeSpan and are automatically incremented on save. See Chapter 5 in the NHibernate documentation for more info.

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Ryan Rinaldi Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 10:11

Ryan Rinaldi

NHibernate, by default, supports optimistic concurrency. Pessimistic concurrency, on the other hand, can be accomplished through the ISession.Lock() method.

These issues are discussed in detail in this document.

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Jon Limjap Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 09:11

Jon Limjap

You can also 'just' manually compare the version numbers (assuming you've added a Version property to your entity).

Clearly Optimistic is the only sane option. Sometimes of course, we have to deal with crazy scenarios however...

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penderi Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 10:11
