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How do you configure Django for simple development and deployment?




People also ask

How do I deploy a Django project for free?

On Heroku, one can deploy Django apps for free. For your web app, Heroku also lets you choose your own name for your app. Hence you can create custom domain names for your web application and launch it on the internet so that all your friends can see your cool web projects!

Update: django-configurations has been released which is probably a better option for most people than doing it manually.

If you would prefer to do things manually, my earlier answer still applies:

I have multiple settings files.

  • settings_local.py - host-specific configuration, such as database name, file paths, etc.
  • settings_development.py - configuration used for development, e.g. DEBUG = True.
  • settings_production.py - configuration used for production, e.g. SERVER_EMAIL.

I tie these all together with a settings.py file that firstly imports settings_local.py, and then one of the other two. It decides which to load by two settings inside settings_local.py - DEVELOPMENT_HOSTS and PRODUCTION_HOSTS. settings.py calls platform.node() to find the hostname of the machine it is running on, and then looks for that hostname in the lists, and loads the second settings file depending on which list it finds the hostname in.

That way, the only thing you really need to worry about is keeping the settings_local.py file up to date with the host-specific configuration, and everything else is handled automatically.

Check out an example here.

Personally, I use a single settings.py for the project, I just have it look up the hostname it's on (my development machines have hostnames that start with "gabriel" so I just have this:

import socket
if socket.gethostname().startswith('gabriel'):
    LIVEHOST = False
    LIVEHOST = True

then in other parts I have things like:

    DEBUG = False
    PREPEND_WWW = True
    MEDIA_URL = 'http://static1.grsites.com/'
    DEBUG = True
    PREPEND_WWW = False
    MEDIA_URL = 'http://localhost:8000/static/'

and so on. A little bit less readable, but it works fine and saves having to juggle multiple settings files.

At the end of settings.py I have the following:

    from settings_local import *
except ImportError:

This way if I want to override default settings I need to just put settings_local.py right next to settings.py.

I have two files. settings_base.py which contains common/default settings, and which is checked into source control. Each deployment has a separate settings.py, which executes from settings_base import * at the beginning and then overrides as needed.

The most simplistic way I found was:

1) use the default settings.py for local development and 2) create a production-settings.py starting with:

import os
from settings import *

And then just override the settings that differ in production:

DEBUG = False

    'default': {