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How do you concatenate string in cmake



Is there a way to concatenate strings in cmake?

I have a folder that only contains .cpp files with main methods. I thought this would be easy by just using a foreach through all src files. This is what I've got this far:

project(opengl-tutorial) cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)  aux_source_directory(. SRC_LIST)  add_definitions(     --std=c++11 )  foreach (src ${SRC_LIST})     # name = ${src} + ".out"     add_executable(${name} ${src})     target_link_libraries(${name} GL GLU GLEW glfw) endforeach(src ${SRC_LIST}) 

How can I do what's described in the comment?

like image 339
sighol Avatar asked Aug 01 '13 17:08


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1 Answers

"${src}.out" should work fine, so you can write set(NAME "${src}.out") and use ${NAME} wherever you need to.

like image 54
Nafis Zaman Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 08:09

Nafis Zaman