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How do we determine the number of days for a given month in python [duplicate]



People also ask

How do I find the difference between two dates in a month in Python?

Use the relativedelta. months + relativedelta. years * 12 formula to get the total months between two dates.

How many days are in current month?

The Gregorian calendar has 4 months that are 30 days long and 7 months that are 31 days long.

You should use calendar.monthrange:

>>> from calendar import monthrange
>>> monthrange(2011, 2)
(1, 28)

Just to be clear, monthrange supports leap years as well:

>>> from calendar import monthrange
>>> monthrange(2012, 2)
(2, 29)

As @mikhail-pyrev mentions in a comment:

First number is the weekday of the first day of the month, the second number is the number of days in said month.

Alternative solution:

>>> from datetime import date
>>> (date(2012, 3, 1) - date(2012, 2, 1)).days

Just for the sake of academic interest, I did it this way...

(dt.replace(month = dt.month % 12 +1, day = 1)-timedelta(days=1)).day