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How do unit tests change when a base class is driven out?

This is in part a followup to this question.

I'm not sure the best way to ask this, so I'll try a short story to set the scene:

Once upon a time, there was a class ‘A’, which had a unit test class ‘ATests’ responsible for testing its behaviour through the public interface. They lived happily together for a while and then a change happened, and class ‘B’ came along, which as it turned out had a lot in common with class ‘A’, so a base class was introduced.

The public behaviour of the base class is already covered by the tests for class A. So, the question is what happens next?

• Does class B need to have tests for the common (base class behaviour)? It seems like the behaviour is a part of B, so it should be tested, but should these tests be shared with those for class A? For the base class? If so, what’s the best way to share?

• Does the new base class need unit tests, or is it ok for base classes to be tested through the tests of their children? Does it matter if the base class is abstract?

• Is it enough to ensure that classes A & B derive from the base class and ‘trust’ the unit tests for the base class to test the common behaviour (so the tests don’t need to be replicated in the child classes)? The tests for A & B only need to test they’re new/changed behaviour?

• Am I following totally the wrong approach having approximately one unit test class per real class?

I’ve taken different views at different times and the different approaches can have quite an impact on the ability to refactor the code, time taken to write tests etc. What approaches have people found works best?

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forsvarir Avatar asked Apr 10 '11 22:04


People also ask

How do you unit test a class that extends a base class?

If you really need to extend the base class to override something, extract the functionality to a third class and make the extended class a proxy. The extended class does nothing else than call methods on the third class. E.g. This way, you can test the real implementation, without instantiating the base class.

What do you have to avoid in tests in unit testing?

Avoid Test Interdependence You, therefore, cannot count on the test suite or the class that you're testing to maintain state in between tests. But that won't always make itself obvious to you. If you have two tests, for instance, the test runner may happen to execute them in the same order each time.

Can a unit test test multiple classes?

A test can exercise methods from three objects and still be a unit test. Some may claim that's integration but three lines of code are just as "integrated" so that's not really a thing. Method and object boundaries don't present any significant barrier to testing.

What base class should test classes inherit from?

Whenever you're testing a subclass of your base class, have your test class inherit from your test superclass.

2 Answers

Personally, given time, I tend to test all three (base and two derived). It shows that you're not inadvertently overriding the base methods and changing their behavior, and your inherited class still provides the expected semantics. If the behavior really doesn't change, then it could be as simple as a copy-paste job, but it provides more complete coverage.

Note the "given time" part, though. If time is an issue (and it always is), testing the base class or the inherited functionality would probably be lower priority. But testing is great inoculation against yourself, and makes you much more confident when refactoring later, so you're only shortchanging yourself, your customers, and/or your maintainers by not doing as complete coverage as you have time for.

However, pawning repetitive things like this off on dedicated testers or a QA team, if you have one, is perfectly acceptable. But buy them a beer sometimes :-) They make you look better!

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Sdaz MacSkibbons Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 15:11

Sdaz MacSkibbons

You might look at code coverage tools; they can show you if you're actually testing all of the code. Personally if I have a test covering the base class behavior and I"m not overriding that, I won't test it again. The goal is to have a code change (potentially) break only one test.

Don't feel the need to stick to one unit test class per real class. One unit test class per unique setup fixture is one way, and then there's the whole BDD school...

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TrueWill Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 14:11
