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How to mock an inner function in Sinon?

Suppose I have two functions, foo is called inside a bar. I have a Meteor app, so I decided to use meteor mocha package along with sinon and chai and not jest

// foo.js

const foo = () => // call to a google maps api;
export default foo;

// bar.js

const bar = (x) => {
export default bar;

What is the correct approach of mocking foo in this case

Currently I've came up with the following solution:

import foo from 'path/to/foo.js'
import bar from 'path/to/bar.js'

describe('my test suite', function() {
  it('should pass the test', function() {
    foo = spy();

The following code works, but is that correct to redefine foo?


Also, it's not possible to create a mock or stub this way, which makes me think that Sinon is not suitable for mocking standalone functions

like image 873
Le garcon Avatar asked Sep 14 '18 12:09

Le garcon

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var sinon = require('sinon'); var start_end = require('./start_end'); describe("start_end", function(){ before(function () { cb_spy = sinon. spy(); }); afterEach(function () { cb_spy. reset(); }); it("start_pool()", function(done){ // how to make timer variable < 1, so that if(timer < 1) will meet start_end.

How do you mock a function in Sinon?

Mocks allow you to create a fake function that passes or fails depending on your needs. You can ensure it was called with certain arguments, or check how many times it was called. You must call mock() on an object.

How do you mock a function in node JS?

You could use rewire js it is a library that lets you inject mocked properties into your module you want to test. Your require statement would look something like this: var rewire = require("rewire"); var sqsOutputResultSender = rewire('../utility/sqsThing');

What are Sinon’s mock objects?

If you’ve heard the term “mock object”, this is the same thing — Sinon’s mocks can be used to replace whole objects and alter their behavior similar to stubbing functions. They are primarily useful if you need to stub more than one function from a single object. If you only need to replace a single function, a stub is easier to use.

Is it possible to mock a standalone function in Sinon?

Also, it's not possible to create a mock or stub this way, which makes me think that Sinon is not suitable for mocking standalone functions Sinon works well on standalone JavaScript functions. Here is an example of how to wrap the default export of a module in a Sinon spy:

How many mocks should I use in a Sinon test?

Use a stub instead. In general you should have no more than one mock (possibly with several expectations) in a single test. Expectations implement both the spies and stubs APIs. To see what mocks look like in Sinon.JS, here is one of the PubSubJS tests again, this time using a method as callback and using mocks to verify its behavior

How to use Sinon to stub a function?

In such cases, you can use Sinon to stub a function. Let’s see it in action. Start by installing a sinon into the project. Once installed you need to require it in the app.js file and write a stub for the lib.js module’s method. Here is how it looks :

1 Answers

Sinon works well on standalone JavaScript functions.

Here is an example of how to wrap the default export of a module in a Sinon spy:

import * as sinon from 'sinon';
import * as fooModule from 'path/to/foo.js'
import bar from 'path/to/bar.js'

describe('my test suite', function() {
  it('should pass the test', function() {
    const spy = sinon.spy(fooModule, 'default');  // wrap the function in a spy
    assert(spy.calledOnce);  // SUCCESS
    spy.restore();  // restore the original function

Here is an example of how to replace the default export of a module with a Sinon stub:

import * as sinon from 'sinon';
import * as fooModule from 'path/to/foo.js'
import bar from 'path/to/bar.js'

describe('my test suite', function() {
  it('should pass the test', function() {
    const stub = sinon.stub(fooModule, 'default').returns('something else');  // stub the function
    bar(5);  // foo() returns 'something else' within bar(5)
    assert(stub.calledOnce);  // SUCCESS
    stub.restore();  // restore the original function
like image 120
Brian Adams Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 00:11

Brian Adams