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How do shared pointers work?

How do shared pointers know how many pointers point to that object? (shared_ptr, in this case)

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cam Avatar asked May 10 '10 13:05


People also ask

What do shared pointers do?

"Shared pointer is a smart pointer (a C++ object wih overloaded operator*() and operator->()) that keeps a pointer to an object and a pointer to a shared reference count. Every time a copy of the smart pointer is made using the copy constructor, the reference count is incremented.

How are shared pointers implemented?

It is a reference counting ownership model i.e. it maintains the reference count of its contained pointer in cooperation with all copies of the std::shared_ptr. So, the counter is incremented each time a new pointer points to the resource and decremented when destructor of the object is called.

What happens when you move a shared pointer?

By moving the shared_ptr instead of copying it, we "steal" the atomic reference count and we nullify the other shared_ptr . "stealing" the reference count is not atomic, and it is hundred times faster than copying the shared_ptr (and causing atomic reference increment or decrement).

Are shared pointers smart pointers?

Shared pointers in C++ In C++, a shared pointer is one of the smart pointers. The shared pointer maintains a reference count which is incremented when another shared pointer points to the same object. So, when the reference count is equal to zero (i.e., no pointer points to this object), the object is destroyed.

1 Answers

Basically, shared_ptr has two pointers: a pointer to the shared object and a pointer to a struct containing two reference counts: one for "strong references," or references that have ownership, and one for "weak references," or references that don't have ownership.

When you copy a shared_ptr, the copy constructor increments the strong reference count. When you destroy a shared_ptr, the destructor decrements the strong reference count and tests whether the reference count is zero; if it is, the destructor deletes the shared object because no shared_ptrs point to it anymore.

The weak reference count is used to support weak_ptr; basically, any time a weak_ptr is created from the shared_ptr, the weak reference count is incremented, and any time one is destroyed the weak reference count is decremented. As long as either the strong reference count or the weak reference count is greater than zero, the reference count struct will not be destroyed.

Effectively, as long as the strong reference count is greater than zero, the shared object will not be deleted. As long as the strong reference count or the weak reference count is not zero, the reference count struct will not be deleted.

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James McNellis Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 23:10

James McNellis