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how do matlab do the sort?

How is the sort() working in matlab?
Code in pure matlab:
q is an array:

q = -0.2461    2.9531  -15.8867   49.8750  -99.1172  125.8438  -99.1172   
49.8750  -15.8867    2.9531   -0.2461

After q = sort(roots(q)), I got:
q = 0.3525 0.3371 - 0.1564i 0.3371 + 0.1564i 0.2694 - 0.3547i 0.2694 + 0.3547i 1.3579 - 1.7880i 1.3579 + 1.7880i 2.4410 - 1.1324i 2.4410 + 1.1324i 2.8365

Well, seems to work fine! Then in python, I use (q is the same as above, it is an np.array):

import numpy as np
q = np.sort(np.roots(q))

And I got:

[ 0.26937874-0.35469815j  0.26937874+0.35469815j  0.33711562-0.15638427j
 0.33711562+0.15638427j  0.35254298+0.j          1.35792218-1.78801226j
 1.35792218+1.78801226j  2.44104520-1.13237431j  2.44104520+1.13237431j
 2.83653354+0.j        ]

Well... These two results seem different in that they sort differently, so what are the reasons? did I make something wrong? thank you in advance!

My answer:

def sortComplex(complexList):
    # then sort by the angles, swap those in descending orders
    return complexList   

Then call it in the python code, works fine :p

like image 929
serina Avatar asked Oct 14 '22 00:10


1 Answers

From the MATLAB documentation for SORT:

If A has complex entries r and s, sort orders them according to the following rule: r appears before s in sort(A) if either of the following hold:

  • abs(r) < abs(s)
  • abs(r) = abs(s) and angle(r) < angle(s)

In other words, an array that has complex entries is first sorted based on the absolute value (i.e. complex magnitude) of those entries, and any entries that have the same absolute value are sorted based on their phase angles.

Python (i.e. numpy) orders things differently. From the documentation Amro linked to in his comment:

The sort order for complex numbers is lexicographic. If both the real and imaginary parts are non-nan then the order is determined by the real parts except when they are equal, in which case the order is determined by the imaginary parts.

In other words, an array that has complex entries is first sorted based on the real component of the entries, and any entries that have equal real components are sorted based on their imaginary components.


If you want to reproduce the numpy behavior in MATLAB, one way you can do it is to use the function SORTROWS to create a sort index based on the real and imaginary components of the array entries, then apply that sort index to your array of complex values:

>> r = roots(q);  %# Compute your roots
>> [junk,index] = sortrows([real(r) imag(r)],[1 2]);  %# Sort based on real,
                                                      %#   then imaginary parts
>> r = r(index)  %# Apply the sort index to r

r =

   0.2694 - 0.3547i
   0.2694 + 0.3547i
   0.3369 - 0.1564i
   0.3369 + 0.1564i
   1.3579 - 1.7879i
   1.3579 + 1.7879i
   2.4419 - 1.1332i
   2.4419 + 1.1332i
like image 114
gnovice Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 07:10
