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How do I View the HTML Source of an email in Outlook 2016 [closed]

I would like to view the html source code of an email in outlook 2016. It seems to have changed from the previous versions of outlook.

I am running Outlook 2016 Thank you :)

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protoEvangelion Avatar asked Jun 27 '16 16:06


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To edit the HTML source code of a message you are composing in Windows Live Mail or Outlook Express. Select View > Source Edit from the message's menu. Click on the Source tab at the bottom of the window. Edit the HTML source as much as you like.

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Open the message, click the More menu, which is represented by three dots in the top right of the message window, and choose View Raw Message.

1 Answers

AFAIK this hasn't changed in Outlook 2016: right-click the message body and choose "View Source".

like image 155
Eric Legault Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 12:10

Eric Legault