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How do I use syntax highlighting in PHP within a markdown github gist?

I want to include code in a markdown gist on github, and cannot work out how to do syntax highlighting.

github flavoured markdown - e.g.


would highlight the syntax as php in an issue, for instance, but it seems not in a gist.

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derekdreery Avatar asked Feb 12 '14 13:02


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How do I enable syntax highlighting in code blocks on GitHub?

If you are frequently editing code snippets and tables, you may benefit from enabling a fixed-width font in all comment fields on GitHub. For more information, see " Enabling fixed-width fonts in the editor ." You can add an optional language identifier to enable syntax highlighting in your fenced code block.

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We can use Heredoc syntax to get HTML highlighted inside PHP. Heredoc in PHP is a way to write large blocks of strings inside PHP, without the classic single quote, double quotes delimiters. It relies on <<< and an identifier that will also mark the end of the string.

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You can also use code blocks to create diagrams in Markdown. GitHub supports Mermaid, GeoJSON, TopoJSON, and ASCII STL syntax. For more information, see " Creating diagrams ." Help us make these docs great!

1 Answers

Fenced code blocks do work in Markdown Gists, and in fact your code is being rendered that way. If you inspect the blocks you'll see that they are contained in divs with class="highlight highlight-PHP".

The problem is that PHP code is only recognized for highlighting by GFM if it includes the <?php delimiter (much like PHP code only runs inside a <?php block). Add this to the top of each PHP code block and you should be good to go, e.g.:


class GO_Example_Model_Thing extends GO_Base_Db_ActiveRecord {
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Chris Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 00:10
