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How do I use results of PowerShell's 'invoke-SQLcmd' in an 'if' statement?




I can't figure out how to get the results of the query (qty_records) which is 5 so I can use it in a PowerShell If statement.


$my_query = "select count(CustomerNumber) as qty_records from customers"

$qty_records = Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query $my_query -ServerInstance "2008c" -Username sa -Password abc.1234 -Database MikeDB

if ($qty_records -gt 4) {
    write-host "do something"
} else {
    Write-Host "do something else"

====== thanks

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user2274586 Avatar asked Dec 06 '16 23:12


People also ask

What does invoke-Sqlcmd do?

The Invoke-Sqlcmd cmdlet runs a script containing the languages and commands supported by the SQL Server SQLCMD utility. The commands supported are Transact-SQL statements and the subset of the XQuery syntax that is supported by the database engine.

Which module is invoke-Sqlcmd in?

The official SqlServer module now includes a version of the Invoke-Sqlcmd cmdlet that runs in PSCore 6.2 and above. The version of the SqlServer module which contains this cmdlet is 21.1. 18095-preview and is available in the PowerShell Gallery.

1 Answers

I think the problem here is that Invoke-SqlCmd returns a datarow even if it's only returning a single value, so you need to expose the actual content. It's been a while since I worked in SQL so I'm a bit fuzzy on how the return values get named but I am reasonably sure based on your SELECT that it will return with a .qty_records property, so you would need to modify your if statement like so

if ($qty_records.qty_records -gt 4) {
  write-host "do something"
} else {
  Write-Host "do something else"

Note that it could return as .CustomerNumber if I recall the mechanics incorrectly. If your interested in other methods of working with datarows I' recommend checking out This Post

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Mike Garuccio Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 23:10

Mike Garuccio