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How do I use PowerShell to Validate XML files against an XSD?

As a part of my development I'd like to be able to validate an entire folder's worth of XML files against a single XSD file. A PowerShell function seems like a good candidate for this as I can then just pipe a list of files to it like so: dir *.xml | Validate-Xml -Schema .\MySchema.xsd

I've considered porting C# code from the Validating an Xml against Referenced XSD in C# question, but I don't know how to Add handlers in PowerShell.

like image 736
Flatliner DOA Avatar asked May 05 '09 01:05

Flatliner DOA

People also ask

Can we validate XML documents against a schema?

You can validate your XML documents against XML schemas only; validation against DTDs is not supported. However, although you cannot validate against DTDs, you can insert documents that contain a DOCTYPE or that refer to DTDs.

How you will validate XML document using schema?

XML documents are validated by the Create method of the XmlReader class. To validate an XML document, construct an XmlReaderSettings object that contains an XML schema definition language (XSD) schema with which to validate the XML document. The System. Xml.

1 Answers

I want to comment that the script in current accepted answer doesn't validate errors about incorrect orders of elements of xs:sequence. For example: test.xml

<addresses xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"        xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation='test.xsd'>   <address>     <street>Baker street 5</street>     <name>Joe Tester</name>   </address> </addresses> 


<xs:schema xmlns:xs='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema'>     <xs:element name="addresses">       <xs:complexType>        <xs:sequence>          <xs:element ref="address" minOccurs='1' maxOccurs='unbounded'/>        </xs:sequence>      </xs:complexType>     </xs:element>       <xs:element name="address">       <xs:complexType>        <xs:sequence>          <xs:element ref="name" minOccurs='0' maxOccurs='1'/>          <xs:element ref="street" minOccurs='0' maxOccurs='1'/>        </xs:sequence>       </xs:complexType>      </xs:element>       <xs:element name="name" type='xs:string'/>      <xs:element name="street" type='xs:string'/>     </xs:schema> 

I wrote another version that can report this error:

function Test-XmlFile {     <#     .Synopsis         Validates an xml file against an xml schema file.     .Example         PS> dir *.xml | Test-XmlFile schema.xsd     #>     [CmdletBinding()]     param (              [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]         [string] $SchemaFile,          [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)]         [alias('Fullname')]         [string] $XmlFile,          [scriptblock] $ValidationEventHandler = { Write-Error $args[1].Exception }     )      begin {         $schemaReader = New-Object System.Xml.XmlTextReader $SchemaFile         $schema = [System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema]::Read($schemaReader, $ValidationEventHandler)     }      process {         $ret = $true         try {             $xml = New-Object System.Xml.XmlDocument             $xml.Schemas.Add($schema) | Out-Null             $xml.Load($XmlFile)             $xml.Validate({                     throw ([PsCustomObject] @{                         SchemaFile = $SchemaFile                         XmlFile = $XmlFile                         Exception = $args[1].Exception                     })                 })         } catch {             Write-Error $_             $ret = $false         }         $ret     }      end {         $schemaReader.Close()     } } 

PS C:\temp\lab-xml-validation> dir test.xml | Test-XmlFile test.xsd

System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaValidationException: The element 'address' has invalid child element 'name'. ... 
like image 88
wangzq Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 10:10
