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How do I use Docker with GitHub Actions?

When I create a GitHub Actions workflow file, the example YAML file contains runs-on: ubuntu-latest. According to the docs, I only have the options between a couple versions of Ubuntu, Windows Server and macOS X.

I thought GitHub Actions runs inside Docker. How do I choose my Docker image?

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soerface Avatar asked Aug 19 '19 00:08


People also ask

Can I run Docker in GitHub action?

Links. Docker Run Action is not certified by GitHub.

2 Answers

GitHub actions provision a virtual machine - as you noted, either Ubuntu, Windows or macOS - and run your workflow inside of that. You can then use that virtual machine to run a workflow inside a container.

Use the container specifier to run a step inside a container. Be sure to specify runs-on as the appropriate host environment for your container (ubuntu-latest for Linux containers, windows-latest for Windows containers). For example:

jobs:   vm:     runs-on: ubuntu-latest     steps:       - run: |           echo This job does not specify a container.           echo It runs directly on the virtual machine.         name: Run on VM   container:     runs-on: ubuntu-latest     container: node:10.16-jessie     steps:       - run: |           echo This job does specify a container.           echo It runs in the container instead of the VM.         name: Run in container 
like image 143
Edward Thomson Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 11:09

Edward Thomson

A job (as part of a workflow) runs inside a virtual machine. You choose one of the environments provided by them (e.g. ubuntu-latest or windows-2019).

A job consists of one or more steps. A step may be a simple shell command, using run. But it may also be an action, using uses

name: CI  on: [push]  jobs:   myjob:     runs-on: ubuntu-18.04 # linux required if you want to use docker     steps:     # Those steps are executed directly on the VM     - run: ls /     - run: echo $HOME     - name: Add a file       run: touch $HOME/stuff.txt     # Those steps are actions, which may run inside a container     - uses: actions/checkout@v1     - uses: ./.github/actions/my-action     - uses: docker://continuumio/anaconda3:2019.07 
  • run: <COMMAND> executes the command with the shell of the OS
  • uses: actions/checkout@v1 runs the action from the user / organization actions in the repository checkout (https://github.com/actions/checkout), major release 1
  • uses: ./.github/actions/my-action runs the action which is defined in your own repository under this path
  • uses: docker://continuumio/anaconda3:2019.07 runs the anaconda3 image from user / organization continuumio, version 2019.07, from the Docker Hub (https://hub.docker.com/r/continuumio/anaconda3)

Keep in mind that you need to select a linux distribution as the environment if you want to use Docker.

Take a look at the documentation for uses and run for further details.

It should also be noted that there is a container option, allowing you to run any steps that would usually run on the host to be runned inside a container: https://help.github.com/en/articles/workflow-syntax-for-github-actions#jobsjob_idcontainer

like image 27
soerface Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 11:09
