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How do I use Admob on the Android OS?




Using AdMob, how can I give an advertisement in an Android Application?

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AndroidDanger Avatar asked Jan 21 '11 06:01


People also ask

Can I use AdMob without playstore?

You can show ads in an app which is not available in Google Play Store. But, Adsense team regularly checks the apps in every account. If they find your app is not available in Google Play Store or banned in Google Play, they will suspend all the ad units related to the app in your AdMob account.

How do I add ads to my Android app?

To configure your app to carry ads, you must integrate an Google Play Instant-compatible ad-network SDK into your app. The Google Mobile Ads Lite SDK is one such SDK. For more information about integrating an ad-network SDK, see the guides related to Google Mobile Ads Lite SDK and Google AdMob.

Is AdMob only for android?

AdMob works across all major platforms.AdMob works for Android, iOS, and Windows Phone.

1 Answers

For AdMob Android App Integration

  1. Register or login at admob.com, and click 'Sites & Apps".
  2. Click "Add Site/App", and provide the info for your Android App. (Feel free to enter placeholder information if you just want to download the SDK without registering a real app.)
  3. Once you've added your site, you will be prompted to download the Android SDK and the integration PDF.
  4. The download includes the binaries, documentation, and a sample.
    1. Review the integration PDF at http://www.admob.com/docs/AdMob_Android_SDK_Instructions.pdf
    2. Read index.html for information on the AdMob SDK's classes and methods
    3. Look at the Lunar Lander sample project to see a working example

For more info you should check http://developer.admob.com/wiki/Android

Note: Description for you app/site on admob is very important, they use all info that appear there to provide your advertisement.

UPDATE: Now is called Google Mobile Ads SDK https://developers.google.com/mobile-ads-sdk/download

and for Admob https://www.google.com/ads/admob/monetize.html

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yeradis Avatar answered Nov 30 '22 13:11
