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How do I turn off notifications globally in visual studio code

How do I turn off notifications globally in visual studio code. Not individual notifications from plugins, but every notification.

These are the popups that slide in from the top, displaying Error/Info/Upgrade/Activity messages.

It would be nice if this is system wide setting.

Notification dialog

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n8eqII Avatar asked Jul 11 '17 11:07


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You will be prompted to reload VS Code after you disable an extension. If you want to quickly disable all installed extensions, there is a Disable All Installed Extensions command in the Command Palette and More Actions ( ... ) dropdown menu. Extensions remain disabled for all VS Code sessions until you re-enable them.

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2 Answers

Couldn't find a simple way to do this through VSCode's configuration. One way to hack this temporarily that seems to work though is cmd-p, enter > developer choose options with toggle developer tools. Chrome inspector opens. To disable all toasts set the style .notifications-toasts to display: none.

You can also try:

/* append this to Microsoft VS Code/_/resources/app/out/vs/workbench/workbench.desktop.main.css */

.monaco-workbench > .notifications-toasts.visible {
  display: none;

.notifications-toasts {
  display: none;
like image 168
Jason Roell Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 22:10

Jason Roell

If you are referring to the "This extension has an update... etc" toasts that pop up from the blue status bar:

Right-click the bell icon and select 'Hide Notifications' from the menu.

like image 36
JaxtonKael Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 00:10
