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How to view full type definition on hover in VSCode, TypeScript?

Hovering over a variable or function in VSCode is really helpful by showing its type. However, there are certain use-cases where I would like to see the full type definition of a variable and not just the type alias.

For example: UseState with full type UseState with full type will allow me to see the full type of the variable campaign:

Hover with full def.

But I would really like to extrapolate that type definition and export it so other components can use it too. So when I change things to this: UseState with type alias and hover and hover over the variable it only shows the type alias. How can I get TypeScript or VSCode to emit the full type definition for a type alias? Thanks!

like image 964
Noah Anderson Avatar asked Apr 24 '20 16:04

Noah Anderson

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1 Answers

Right click and click go to Type Definition should always take you to the typescript type.

enter image description here

like image 159
Nathaniel Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 09:10
