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How do I test React-Responsive components with Enzyme?




I am using the library React-Reponsive. https://github.com/contra/react-responsive

I am struggling to figure out how to test components that are nested in React-Responsive Media Query Components:

export default class AppContainer extends React.Component {
      <MediaQuery minDeviceWidth={750}>
         <Header />


describe("AppContainer", () => {
  let App;
  let wrapper;
  beforeEach(() => {
    wrapper = mount(<Provider store={store}><AppContainer location={location} /></Provider>);
    App = wrapper.find(AppContainer);

  it('to have a <Header /> component', () => { 

The test result:

1) AppContainer to have a <Header /> component:
AssertionError: expected { Object (component, root, ...) } to have a length of 1 but got 0

The relevant part of the output of the console.log is:

<MediaQuery minDeviceWidth={750} values={{...}} />

Indicating that Header is indeed not appearing in the render tree. However if I remove the MediaQuery and make Header a direct child of AppContainer the test passes.

I imagine this is not a bug as I'm very new to Enzyme and testing components in general. Any help or examples would be appreciated.

Please note: The other tests I have on this component are passing fine. I am confident that the imports and setup are all correct.

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Dom Hede Avatar asked Aug 25 '16 13:08

Dom Hede

People also ask

Can you use enzyme and React testing library together?

You can install and use React Testing Library alongside Enzyme, so if you already have a suite of Enzyme tests you can easily create new tests in RTL and keep your existing Enzyme tests.

What is Enzyme testing React?

Enzyme is a JavaScript Testing utility for React that makes it easier to test your React Components' output. You can also manipulate, traverse, and in some ways simulate runtime given the output. Enzyme's API is meant to be intuitive and flexible by mimicking jQuery's API for DOM manipulation and traversal.

2 Answers

Issue was that Media Query is looking for window.matchMedia which with jsdom is undefined.

In this case I needed to use the Server Side Rendering implementation. However this would require a static value for width, which breaks the responsiveness.

My solution is to set a global variable on the test virtual DOM.

window.testMediaQueryValues = {width:740};

Then MediaQuery can access them if they are there:

<MediaQuery maxWidth={smallViewMaxWidth} values={window.testMediaQueryValues}>

In the case when the variable is not set, the null values are ignored and the Component renders as usual.

Big thanks to @Contra for his help and super library

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Dom Hede Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 08:09

Dom Hede

What worked for me was adding a mocked react-responsive component using a __mocks__ directory. Basically create the following file in the directory structure:





Then you can mock out the MediaQuery component in the react-responsive.js file.

const MediaQuery = ({ children }) => children;

export default MediaQuery; 
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asulaiman Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 08:09
