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ReactJS: "this.props" is not a function when child component calls parent

I have written this code and am currently wrangling with a bug in an onClick event. I have two events, the onClick event on the child element and the onChange event on the top-level parent element.

The expected behaviour should be to change the activeAccount variable currently held in the Container component. To do this, I added an onClick handler on the AccountRow component that should then call the top-level parent's onChange function.

However, the line



handleClick: function(e) {

meant to call the parent function with parameter 'this.props.account',

gives me this error:

Uncaught TypeError: this.props.onChange is not a function.

I initially thought that this was a scoping issue, but I have added


on every child and nested child within the parent Container component. So, all props should have been propagated down to the AccountRow component. Nevertheless, the problem still remains.

    var ACCOUNTS = [
    {name: 'cash on hand'},
    {name: 'savings account'},
    {name: 'shared account'},
    {name: 'my second wallet'}

    {date: '', name: 'Bananas', amount: 6, category: 'Groceries', account: 'cash on hand'},
    {date: '', name: 'Apples', amount: 2.50, category: 'Groceries', account: 'cash on hand'},
    {date: '', name: 'Cash withdrawal', amount: 250, account: 'savings account'}

var AccountRow = React.createClass({

    handleClick: function(e) {

    render: function () {
        return (
            <li onClick = {this.handleClick}> {this.props.account}</li>

var AccountList = React.createClass({

    render: function () {

        var rows = [];
        this.props.accounts.map(function(each_account) {
                    account = {each_account.name} 
                    key = {each_account.name}
    return (

var NavBar = React.createClass({

    render: function () {
        return (
            <div id = 'account-tabs'>
                <h2> Accounts </h2>
                    accounts = {this.props.accounts} 

var TransactionRow = React.createClass({
    render: function (){
        var trans = this.props.transaction;

        return (
            <td><a href = ''>edit</a></td>

var TransactionList = React.createClass ({                      
    render: function () {

        var activeaccount = this.props.activeAccount;

        var rows = [];
        this.props.transactions.map(function(each_transaction) {
            if (each_transaction.account == activeaccount) {

                /* Very strange behaviour
                if (each_transaction account == this.props.activeAccount) 
                DOES NOT WORK, I do not know why this is the case

                rows.push(<TransactionRow transaction = {each_transaction} key = {each_transaction.name} />);
            else {
        return (

var TransactionsTable = React.createClass({
    render: function() {

        return (
            <div id = 'recent-transactions'>
            <h2>Recent Transactions for {this.props.activeAccount}</h2>
                    <th>edit </th>
                    transactions = {this.props.transactions}
                    activeAccount = {this.props.activeAccount}

var TransactionForm = React.createClass({
    render: function() {
        return (
            <h2>Add Transaction </h2>
            <p>Transaction name</p>
            <input type = 'text' />
            <input type = 'number'/>
            <p>Category (optional) </p>
            <input type = 'text' />

var ButtonMenu = React.createClass ({
    render: function () {
        return (
            <button>Add Transaction</button>

var Container = React.createClass({

    getInitialState: function (){
        return {
            activeAccount: ACCOUNTS[0].name

    setActiveAccount: function(dat) {
            activeAccount: dat  

    render: function () {
        return (
            <div id = 'wrapper'>
                accounts = {ACCOUNTS}
                activeAccount = {this.state.activeAccount}
                onChange = {this.setActiveAccount}
                transactions = {TRANSACTIONS}
                activeAccount = {this.state.activeAccount}
            <TransactionForm />
            <ButtonMenu />

React.render(<Container />, document.body);

Thank you for your time.

like image 392
Lieu Zheng Hong Avatar asked May 01 '15 08:05

Lieu Zheng Hong

1 Answers

The problem is caused by map function, you should pass in this for thisArg when calling map:

this.props.accounts.map(function(each_account) {
      account = {each_account.name} 
      key = {each_account.name}
 }, this);

However, this will cause AccountRow to have redundant variables like accounts and activeAccount. I think you should consider transfer only the onChange function:

     account = {each_account.name} 
     key = {each_account.name}
     onChange = {this.props.onChange}
like image 139
skyline75489 Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 13:09
