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How do I tell which WCF version I am running?




I feel a little ridiculous for asking this question, but I have never really looked into it. I am trying to determine which version of WCF a project I have is using?

I see some of the common DLLs associated with WCF projects and ServiceModel which are 4.0, but not sure if I can make that assumption.

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TheJediCowboy Avatar asked Apr 29 '13 20:04


People also ask

How do you check if a project is a WCF service?

Another way if you want to know if it's a WCF Project or ASP.NET Web Service simply open your project's folders in File Explorer. You can hover over the icon with your mouse and a tooltip will display the project type as shown in the picture.

Which .NET framework supports WCF?

Because WCF is built using the . NET Framework, it also includes code-friendly methods of supplying the contracts you want to enforce. One of the universal types of contracts is the data contract.

1 Answers

The version of WCF is tied to the version of .NET, so it is just "whatever version of .net you are running"

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Scott Chamberlain Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 22:09

Scott Chamberlain