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When and why should I use ClassName : this(null)?

i can't understand the difference between a simple bare

Public ClassName() {}


Public ClassName() : this(null) {}

I know I can use it only if i have a +1 overloaded ctor, but I can't understand the advantages of defining the parameterless constructor this way.

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Sergio Avatar asked Feb 13 '13 18:02


2 Answers

This permits the single-param constructor to have all the logic, so it isn't repeated.

public ClassName() : this(null) {}

public ClassName(string s)
    // logic (code)
    if (s != null) {
        // more logic
    // Even more logic

I hope it's clear that the "logic" and "even more logic" would have needed to be repeated in the parameterless constructor if not for the this(null).

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John Saunders Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 17:09

John Saunders

One very useful case is situations like WinForms where the designer requires a prameterless constructor but you want your form to require a constructor.

public partial SomeForm : Form
    private SomeForm() : this(null)

    public SomeForm(SomeClass initData)

        //Do some work here that does not rely on initData.           

        if(initData != null)
           //do somtehing with initData, this section would be skipped over by the winforms designer.
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Scott Chamberlain Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 17:09

Scott Chamberlain