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How do I style just one specific angular-ui-bootstrap tooltip to be wider?

In my AngualrJS application we use angular-ui-bootstrap tooltips.

I have one tooltip that needs to accommodate long text. The answer to SO question Displaying long text in Bootstrap tooltip shows me how to make tooltips go wider...

... but what if I don't want to make all tooltips wider, just one specific tooltip?

(Notes: AngularJS 1.2.24, jQuery available... but I'd rather just be able to apply a style to that single tooltip than get more complicated)

like image 755
Daryn Avatar asked Nov 14 '14 22:11


1 Answers

If on the other hand you have tooltip-append-to-body="true", you can use the following modified version of @Daryn's code


.tooltip-400max .tooltip-inner {
  max-width: 400px;


<div id="element1"
  tooltip="{{ model.longTooltip }}">Text</div>
<div>More page content</div>
like image 58
TMG Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 03:09