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How do I start a background task from a VisualStudio post-build event?

I'm trying to start an instance of grunt watch whenever a particular project is run from VisualStudio. I have a single page-app written in ember, and compiled with grunt, which connects to a backend written with WebAPI. I'm trying to reduce friction so it's possible to Start Debugging (F5) in VS and have it get everything up and going.

If I add a post-build event to compile the app with grunt, it works fine:

node node_modules\grunt-cli\bin\grunt dev --no-color

grunt watch never terminates, so the VisualStudio build appears to hang until you terminate the node.exe process (which is mostly expected, other than not being able to use Ctrl+Break to stop in VS):

node ../node_modules\grunt-cli\bin\grunt watch --no-color

I've tried starting with the start command, but VisualStudio still waits for it to exit (just saying "Build started..."):

start node ../node_modules\grunt-cli\bin\grunt dev --no-color

I've also tried with start's /i parameter, but that doesn't help. It opens a new window running grunt watch, but the build doesn't continue (and the app doesn't start) until I close the console window.

enter image description here

Presumably this has something to do with the process being a child of the build process? Is there an actual way to start a background task without VisualStudio waiting on it?

like image 487
gregmac Avatar asked Aug 27 '13 18:08


1 Answers

Not sure why exactly start doesn't do the trick (works perfectly from the command line), but afaik msbuild spawns a seperate cmd process for it's build events so it will have something to do with that.

A working alternative is to use Powershell to start the process instead. No idea about the builtin powershell syntax, but invoking C#'s Process.Start works just as fine:

powershell -Command "[System.Diagnostics.Process]::Start( '/path/to/node', 'args' )"

That answers your question, however I think it's not what you really want, and you're asking the wrong question.. You say you want to 'start an instance whenever a particular project is run from VisualStudio', but then you go on asking about build events which occur when a project is built. That is different and seems unhandy since every single build will start a new instance. Instead, I think what you actually want/need is to start an instance everytime you start debugging your project. That's also possible as laid out here:

  • add an empty project to your solution
  • enter your node command under the projects' Properties->Debugging
  • right-click solution, select Set Startup Project
  • select Multiple startup projects
  • set Action to Start for your main project
  • set Action to Start without debugging for the empty project

Now hit F5 and VS will start node, plus start debugging your project.

like image 159
stijn Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 00:10
