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How do I sort my code (by method name) in Visual Studio 2008?

Short of cutting and pasting, is there a way to sort the methods in my classes in Visual Studio 2008? I like orderly code.

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Shane Miskin Avatar asked Oct 01 '08 21:10

Shane Miskin

People also ask

How do I sort a method in Visual Studio?

To sort your file, open the file via solution explorer: Right click the open file. Code Maid menu (likely near the top of the right click menu) Click Reorganize Active Document.

How do I view Methods in Visual Studio?

In Visual Studio 2015, View > Other Windows > Resource View. The keyboard shortcut is Ctrl + Shift + E . I find this cleaner than Class View. With Class View Windows you can filter methods/attributes based on access modifier (private/protected/public) etc.

How to view the code in Visual Studio?

You can open code into Visual Studio in the following ways: On the Visual Studio menu bar, choose File > Open > Folder, and then browse to the code location. On the context (right-click) menu of a folder containing code, choose the Open in Visual Studio command.

1 Answers

This is a free plug-in that does what you are asking: http://www.visualstudiogallery.com/ExtensionDetails.aspx?ExtensionID=800978aa-2aac-4440-8bdf-6d1a76a5c23c


Unfortunately the link is outdated. You can download Regionerate at http://www.rauchy.net/regionerate/docs/2007/05/download.html

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torial Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 00:10
