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How do I sort a map by order of insertion?



I have tried using HashMap and BTreeMap for this but neither have worked:

use std::collections::{BTreeMap, HashMap};

fn main() {
    let mut btreemap = BTreeMap::new();
    btreemap.insert("Z", "1");
    btreemap.insert("T", "2");
    btreemap.insert("R", "3");
    btreemap.insert("P", "4");
    btreemap.insert("K", "5");
    btreemap.insert("W", "6");
    btreemap.insert("G", "7");
    btreemap.insert("C", "8");
    btreemap.insert("A", "9");
    btreemap.insert("D", "0");
    for (key, value) in btreemap {
        println!("{} {}", key, value);
    println!("Hash Map");
    let mut hashmap = HashMap::new();
    hashmap.insert("Z", "1");
    hashmap.insert("T", "2");
    hashmap.insert("R", "3");
    hashmap.insert("P", "4");
    hashmap.insert("K", "5");
    hashmap.insert("W", "6");
    hashmap.insert("G", "7");
    hashmap.insert("C", "8");
    hashmap.insert("A", "9");
    hashmap.insert("D", "0");
    for (key, value) in hashmap {
        println!("{} {}", key, value);

When I run this via the Rust playground, I get a result that is not sorted by order of insertion; BTreeMap appears to be ordered alphabetically (prints A C D G K P R T W Z, along with the numbers) and HashMap seems to be ordered randomly (prints Z A C D R P T G WK ).

I've looked through the Rust standard library documentation and I don't see any other maps.

like image 419
Flammantis Avatar asked May 14 '15 17:05


People also ask

How do you find the order of insertion on a map?

LinkedHashMap extends HashMap. It maintains a linked list of the entries in the map, in the order in which they were inserted. This allows insertion-order iteration over the map. That is,when iterating through a collection-view of a LinkedHashMap, the elements will be returned in the order in which they were inserted.

Is it possible to sort the entries in map?

In Java, sorting HashMap by values is complicated because there is no direct method available. If we need to sort the HashMap by values, we should create a Comparator. It compares two elements based on the values. After that get the Set of elements from the Map and convert Set into the List.

How is ordered map sorted?

Maps are associative containers that store elements in a mapped fashion. Each element has a key value and a mapped value. No two mapped values can have equal key values. By default, a Map in C++ is sorted in increasing order based on its key.

1 Answers

The default collections do not track order of insertion. If you wish to sort by that, you will need to either find a different collection that does track it, or track it yourself.

like image 56
Shepmaster Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 05:09
