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How do I simulate hitting enter in an input field with Capybara and ChromeDriver?

I have the following helper method to input a string into an input field and press the enter key, but it seems the enter key is never pressed. I see the string entered into the input field, but the events that take place upon hitting enter never happened.

I've tested in an actual browser that the enter key correctly fires the expected events. I'm not sure what I'm missing.

def fill_and_trigger_enter_keypress(selector, value)
  page.execute_script %Q(
                          var input = $('#{selector}');
                          input.trigger("keypress", [13]);


I've also tried the following to no avail:


They don't cause any error, but still no enter key pressed.

like image 946
Eric M. Avatar asked Jun 03 '12 00:06

Eric M.

4 Answers


works for me. I dont have a name or id for my field but the type is input so i used something like


works perfectly fine!

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Mysterio Man Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 03:11

Mysterio Man

These days (Capybara version 2.5+) you can simulate the <enter> key in the following way:


The \n (new line) is the very important bit here.

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Paweł Gościcki Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 03:11

Paweł Gościcki

Usually when you run page.execute_script, you get the same results as if you were running that in the page console. Try running that manually in the console and see if you get the expected results. That is usually what I do.. craft the needed js code in the browser console window and paste it into the capybara code when it is working, using execute_script.

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Felipe Lima Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 01:11

Felipe Lima

Capybara doesn't have native support for a send_keys type event. You might be able to go down to selenium to do it, or you can try this gem https://github.com/markgandolfo/send-keys

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DVG Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 03:11