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How do I simulate anonymous classes in C#

I'm writing a small data structures library in C#, and I'm running into an architectural problem. Essentially I have a class which implements the visitor pattern, and there are many possible implementations of visitors:

public interface ITreeVisitor<T, U>
    U Visit(Nil<T> s);
    U Visit(Node<T> s);

public abstract class Tree<T> : IEnumerable<T>
    public readonly static Tree<T> empty = new Nil<T>();
    public abstract U Accept<U>(ITreeVisitor<T, U> visitor);

public sealed class Nil<T> : Tree<T>
    public override U Accept<U>(ITreeVisitor<T, U> visitor) { return visitor.Visit(this); }

public sealed class Node<T> : Tree<T>
    public Tree<T> Left { get; set; }
    public T Value { get; set; }
    public Tree<T> Right { get; set; }

    public override U Accept<U>(ITreeVisitor<T, U> visitor) { return visitor.Visit(this); }

Anytime I want to pass in a visitor, I have to create a visitor class, implement the interface, and pass it in like this:

class InsertVisitor<T> : ITreeVisitor<T, Tree<T>> where T : IComparable<T>
    public T v { get; set; };

    public Tree<T> Visit(Nil<T> s)
        return new Node<T>() { Left = Tree<T>.empty, Value = v, Right = Tree<T>.empty };

    public Tree<T> Visit(Node<T> s)
        switch (v.CompareTo(s.Value))
            case -1: return new Node<T>() { Left = Insert(v, s.Left), Value = s.Value, Right = s.Right };
            case 1: return new Node<T>() { Left = s.Left, Value = s.Value, Right = Insert(v, s.Right) };
            default: return s;

public static Tree<T> Insert<T>(T value, Tree<T> tree) where T : IComparable<T>
    return tree.Accept<Tree<T>>(new InsertVisitor<T>() { v = value });

I don't like writing that much boilerplate code, because it gets very messy when you have a non-trivial number of visitor implementations.

I want to write something similar to anonymous classes Java (concept code):

public static Tree<T> Insert<T>(T v, Tree<T> tree) where T : IComparable<T>
    return tree.Accept<Tree<T>>(new InsertVisitor<T>()
            public Tree<T> Visit(Nil<T> s) { return new Node<T>() { Left = Tree<T>.empty, Value = v, Right = Tree<T>.empty }; }
            public Tree<T> Visit(Node<T> s)
                switch (v.CompareTo(s.Value))
                    case -1: return new Node<T>() { Left = Insert(v, s.Left), Value = s.Value, Right = s.Right };
                    case 1: return new Node<T>() { Left = s.Left, Value = s.Value, Right = Insert(v, s.Right) };
                    default: return s;

Is there any way to simulate anonymous classes with interface implementations in C#?

like image 912
Juliet Avatar asked Jan 15 '10 20:01


1 Answers

You could change the "behavior" part of the class from methods defined against an interface to delegates called at the appropriate time, and create a new visitor by passing new delegates -- thereby enlisting anonymous functions to do the work of anonymous classes.

Sketch code (not tested, you can clean up as appropriate):

class CustomVisitor<T> : ITreeVisitor<T, Tree<T>> where T : IComparable<T>
    public T v { get; set; };
    public Func<Nil<T>,  Tree<T>> VisitNil  { get; set; }
    public Func<Node<T>, Tree<T>> VisitNode { get; set; }

    public Tree<T> Visit(Nil<T>  s) { return VisitNil(s);  }
    public Tree<T> Visit(Node<T> s) { return VisitNode(s); }

public static Tree<T> Insert<T>(T v, Tree<T> tree) where T : IComparable<T>
    return tree.Accept<Tree<T>>(new CustomVisitor<T> {
        VisitNil  = s =>
            return new Node<T>() { Left = Tree<T>.empty, Value = v, Right = Tree<T>.empty }; }
        VisitNode = s =>
            switch (v.CompareTo(s.Value))
                case -1: return new Node<T>() { Left = Insert(v, s.Left), Value = s.Value, Right = s.Right };
                case  1: return new Node<T>() { Left = s.Left, Value = s.Value, Right = Insert(v, s.Right) };
                default: return s;
like image 169
mqp Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 07:11
