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How do I share data between components in Angular 2?

In Angular 1.x.x you simply ask for the same service and you end up with the same instance, making it possible to share the data in the service.

Now in Angular 2 I have a component that has a reference to my service. I can read and modify the data in the service, which is good. When I try to inject the same service in another component, it seems as if I get a new instance.

What am I doing wrong? Is it the pattern itself that is wrong (using a service to share data) or do I need to mark the service as a singleton (within one instance of the app) or something?

I'm on 2.0.0-alpha.27/ btw

I inject a service through appInjector (edit: now providers) in the @Component annotation and then save a reference in the constructor. It works locally in the component - just not across components (they do not share the same service instance) like I thought they would.

UPDATE: As of Angular 2.0.0 we now have @ngModule where you would define the service under the providers property on said @ngModule. That will ensure the same instance of that service to be passed to each component, service, etc. in that module. https://angular.io/docs/ts/latest/guide/ngmodule.html#providers

UPDATE: A lot has happened to Angular and FE development in general. As @noririco mentioned, you could also use a state management system like NgRx: https://ngrx.io/

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Per Hornshøj-Schierbeck Avatar asked Jun 24 '15 12:06

Per Hornshøj-Schierbeck

People also ask

How can I share data from one component to another component?

For passing the data from the child component to the parent component, we have to create a callback function in the parent component and then pass the callback function to the child component as a prop. This callback function will retrieve the data from the child component.

How many ways we can pass data between components in Angular?

There are five ways to share data between components: Parent to child component. Child to parent component. Sharing data between sibling components.

Can be used to share common data between multiple components in Angular?

Another simple way to send the data is to use @ViewChild decorator. The @ViewChild decorator help to access a directive, child component and the DOM element from a component class. The @ViewChild decorator returns the element that match reference selector for defined directive, template or component.

1 Answers

A service singleton is a nice solution. Other way - data/events bindings.

Here is an example of both:

class BazService{   n: number = 0;   inc(){     this.n++;   } }  @Component({   selector: 'foo' }) @View({   template: `<button (click)="foobaz.inc()">Foo {{ foobaz.n }}</button>` }) class FooComponent{   constructor(foobaz: BazService){     this.foobaz = foobaz;   } }  @Component({   selector: 'bar',   properties: ['prop'] }) @View({   template: `<button (click)="barbaz.inc()">Bar {{ barbaz.n }}, Foo {{ prop.foobaz.n }}</button>` }) class BarComponent{   constructor(barbaz: BazService){     this.barbaz = barbaz;   } }  @Component({     selector: 'app',     viewInjector: [BazService] }) @View({   template: `     <foo #f></foo>     <bar [prop]="f"></bar>   `,   directives: [FooComponent, BarComponent] }) class AppComponent{}  bootstrap(AppComponent); 

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Alexander Ermolov Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 18:09

Alexander Ermolov