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How do I set initial state in Vuex 2?

I am using Vue.js 2.0 and Vuex 2.0 for a small app. I am initializing the the store in the 'created' life-cycle hook on the root Vue instance by calling an action that retrieves the initial state from an API....like so in my Root Component:

const app = new Vue({  el: "#app",  router,  store,  data: {      vacation: {},  },  components: {     'vacation-status': VacationStatus,  },  created(){     //initialize store data structure by submitting action.     this.$store.dispatch('getVacation');  },  computed: {  },  methods: {  } }); 

This is working just fine. Here is the action on my store that I'm calling here:

getVacation({commit}){   api.getVacation().then(vacation => commit(UPDATE_VACATION, vacation)) } 

The mutation that this is committing with 'UPDATE_VACATION' is here:

[UPDATE_VACATION] (state, payload) {   state.vacation = payload.vacation; }, 

My Problem: When I load the app, all my components that are 'getting' values from the store throw errors I'm trying to access 'undefined' values on the store. In other words, state hasn't been initialized yet.

For example, I have a component that has getters in Child Components like this:

computed: {         arrival () {             return this.$store.getters.arrival         },         departure() {             return this.$store.getters.departure         },         countdown: function() {             return this.$store.getters.countdown         } }  

All these getters cause errors because 'vacation' is undefined on the state object. It seems like an asynchronous problem to me, but could be wrong. Am I initializing my store state in the wrong spot?

  Vue.use(Vuex);    export default new Vuex.Store({     state: {},     getters: {     getVacation: state => {         return state.vacation     },     guests: state => {         return state.vacation.guests     },     verifiedGuests: state => {         return state.vacation.guests.filter(guest => guest.verified)     },     emergencyContacts: state => {         return state.emergency_contacts     },     arrival: state => {         return state.vacation.check_in     },     departure: state => {         return state.vacation.check_out     },     countdown : state => {         let check_in = new Date(state.vacation.check_in);         let now = new Date();          if ((now - check_in) > 0) {             return 'This vacation started on ' + check_in;         }          let difference = check_in - now;         let day = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24;          return Math.ceil(difference / day) + " days until your vacation";     } }, mutations: {     [UPDATE_VACATION] (state, payload) {         state.vacation = payload.vacation;     },     [ADD_GUEST] (state, payload) {         state.vacation.guests.push(payload.guest);     },     [REMOVE_GUEST] (state, payload){         state.vacation.guests.filter(guest => { debugger; return guest.id != payload.guest.id})     },     [UPDATE_GUEST] (state, payload){         state.vacation.guests.map(guest => {             // Refactor Object.assign to deep cloning of object             return guest.id === payload.guest.id ? Object.assign({}, guest, payload.guest) : guest;         })     },     [ADD_EMERGENCY] (state, payload){         state.vacation.emergency_contacts.push(payload.emergency_contact)     },     [REMOVE_EMERGENCY] (state, payload){         state.vacation.emergency_contacts.filter(contact => contact.id !== payload.emergency_contact.id)     },     [UPDATE_EMERGENCY] (state, payload){         state.vacation.emergency_contacts.map(contact => {             // Refactor not needed because emergency_contact is a shallow object.            return contact.id === payload.emergency_contact.id ? Object.assign({}, contact, payload.emergency_contact) : contact;         });     } }, actions: {     getVacation({commit}){       api.getVacation().then(vacation => commit(UPDATE_VACATION, vacation))     },     addGuest({commit}, guest){         commit(ADD_GUEST, guest);     },     removeGuest({commit}, guest){         commit(REMOVE_GUEST, guest);     },     updateGuest({commit}, guest){         commit(UPDATE_GUEST, guest);     },     addEmergency({commit}, guest){         commit(ADD_EMERGENCY, contact)     },     removeEmergency({commit}, contact){         commit(REMOVE_EMERGENCY, contact)     },     updateEmergency({commit}, contact){         commit(UPDATE_EMERGENCY, contact)     },     updateServer(store, payload){       return api.saveVacation(payload)     } } 


Just so the solution is clear to others:

I wasn't setting my inital state quite properly in the store itself. I was pulling in the data, and updating the store correctly, but the store needed to be initialized like this:

export default new Vuex.Store({  state: {      vacation: {}//I added this, and then justed updated this object on create of the root Vue Instance  }, }); 
like image 505
calbear47 Avatar asked Jan 24 '17 17:01


People also ask

How do I change my Vuex state?

Vuex stores are reactive. When Vue components retrieve state from it, they will reactively and efficiently update if the store's state changes. You cannot directly mutate the store's state. The only way to change a store's state is by explicitly committing mutations.

Does Vuex work with Vue 2?

Vuex is a library which helps you to enforce a Flux-like application architecture in your Vue. js 2 application.

What is mapState Vuex?

Vuex also has a helper called mapState, which makes it easy to map your state to computed properties within your components. The mapState helper can be simplified further, making it even easier to include our state where needed.

1 Answers

I think you're doing everything right. Maybe you're just not creating the getters correctly (can't see any definition in your code). Or your setting the initial state not correctly (also not visible in your snippet).

I would use mapState to have the state properties available in components.

In the demo simply add users to the array in mapState method parameter and the users data will be available at the component. (I've just added the getter users to show how this is working. That's not needed if you're using mapState.)

Please have a look at the demo below or this fiddle.

const api =    'https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/users'    const UPDATE_USERS = 'UPDATE_USERS'  const SET_LOADING = 'SET_LOADING'    const store = new Vuex.Store({    state: {      users: {},      loading: false    },    mutations: {      [UPDATE_USERS](state, users) {        console.log('mutate users', users)        state.users = users;        console.log(state)      }, [SET_LOADING](state, loading) {        state.loading = loading;      }    },    getters: {      users(state) {        return state.users      }    },    actions: {      getUsers({commit}) {        commit(SET_LOADING, true);        return fetchJsonp(api)          .then((users) => users.json())          .then((usersParsed) => {            commit(UPDATE_USERS, usersParsed)            commit(SET_LOADING, false)          })      }    }  })    const mapState = Vuex.mapState;    const Users = {    template: '<div><ul><li v-for="user in users">{{user.name}}</li></ul></div>',    computed: mapState(['users'])  }    new Vue({    el: '#app',    store: store,    computed: {      ...mapState(['loading']),        //...mapState(['users']),        /*users () { // same as mapState        	return this.$store.state.users;        }*/        users() { // also possible with mapGetters(['users'])          return this.$store.getters.users        }    },    created() {      this.$store.dispatch('getUsers')    },    components: {      Users    }  })
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/fetch-jsonp/1.0.5/fetch-jsonp.min.js"></script>  <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/vue/2.1.10/vue.min.js"></script>  <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/vuex/2.1.1/vuex.min.js"></script>  <div id="app">    <div v-if="loading">loading...</div>    <users></users>    <pre v-if="!loading">{{users}}</pre>  </div>
like image 106
AWolf Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 02:09
