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How to use a jQuery plugin inside Vue

I'm building a web application inside VueJS but I encounter a problem. I want to use a jQuery extension (cropit to be specific) but I don't know how to instantiate/require/import it the right way without getting errors.

I'm using de official CLI tool and de webpack template for my App.

I included jQuery like this in my main.js file:

import jQuery from 'jQuery' window.jQuery = jQuery 

Now I'm building an image editor component where I want to instantiate crept like this:

export default {   ready () {     $(document).ready(function ($) {       $('#image-cropper-wrapper-element').cropit({ /* options */ })     })   },  } 

But I keep getting errors...Now my question is how to properly instantiate jQuery and plugins via NPM/Webpack/Vue?

Thanks in advance!

like image 967
Luuk Van Dongen Avatar asked Jun 20 '16 18:06

Luuk Van Dongen

People also ask

Can I use jQuery inside Vue?

Perhaps a client is insisting on using a particular jQuery plugin that you won't have time to rewrite for Vue. If you're careful about how you do it, you can use jQuery and Vue together safely. In this article I'm going to demonstrate how to add the jQuery UI Datepicker plugin to a Vue project.

Is Vue easier than jQuery?

Conclusion. With the above discussion between Vue. js vs jQuery, it is clear that the Vue is much easier and better compared to jQuery in any respect.

Can Vue replace jQuery?

Although you can replace jQuery with Vue, you'll need to change your mindset about how to solve Web development problems.

Can I use JavaScript in Vue?

In Vue. js, components can be written in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript without dividing them into separate files.

2 Answers

Option #1: Use ProvidePlugin

Add the ProvidePlugin to the plugins array in both build/webpack.dev.conf.js and build/webpack.prod.conf.js so that jQuery becomes globally available to all your modules:

plugins: [    // ...    new webpack.ProvidePlugin({     $: 'jquery',     jquery: 'jquery',     'window.jQuery': 'jquery',     jQuery: 'jquery'   }) ] 

Option #2: Use Expose Loader module for webpack

As @TremendusApps suggests in his answer, add the Expose Loader package:

npm install expose-loader --save-dev 

Use in your entry point main.js like this:

import 'expose?$!expose?jQuery!jquery'  // ... 
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prograhammer Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 13:09


Suppose you have Vue project created with vue-cli (e.g. vue init webpack my-project). Go to project dir and run

npm install jquery --save

Open file build/webpack.base.conf.js and add plugins:

module.exports = {   plugins: [     new webpack.ProvidePlugin({       $: 'jquery',       jquery: 'jquery',       'window.jQuery': 'jquery',       jQuery: 'jquery'     })   ]   ... } 

Also at top of file add:

const webpack = require('webpack')

If you are using ESLint, open .eslintrc.js and add next globals: {

module.exports = {   globals: {     "$": true,     "jQuery": true   },   ... 

Now you are ready to go. Use $ anywhere in your js.

NOTE You don't need to include expose loader or any other stuff to use this.

Originally from https://maketips.net/tip/223/how-to-include-jquery-into-vuejs

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SkuraZZ Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 13:09
