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How do I set a timezone in Selenium Chromedriver?

I can't figure out how to set a timezone when using Chromedriver. Is there some ChromeOptions argument or something?

The issue is that when I go to some sites (for example, https://whoer.net), it shows the system time that is equal to the time set on Windows. And I want to be able to change the Chromedriver's timezone somehow to perform timezone dependent testing.

I tried to set some chrome options:

Map<String, Object> chromeOptions = new HashMap<String, Object>();
chromeOptions.put("args", Arrays.asList("--disable-system-timezone-automatic-detection", "--local-timezone"));
DesiredCapabilities capabilities = DesiredCapabilities.chrome();
capabilities.setCapability(ChromeOptions.CAPABILITY, chromeOptions);

It doesn't work.

Tried to do some weird thing using Javascript:

((JavascriptExecutor) driver).executeScript("Date.prototype.getTime = function() { return 1 };");

It didn't help either.


Found this https://sqa.stackexchange.com/questions/8838/faking-system-time-date-with-selenium-webdriver

Tried to execute javascript on page with the code copied from TimeShift.js like this:

((JavascriptExecutor) driver).executeScript("/*code from TimeShift.js here*/ TimeShift.setTimezoneOffset(-60);");

System time at https://whoer.net didn't change. What am I doing wrong?

like image 286
Helen Avatar asked Jun 22 '17 00:06


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Open DevTools in Chrome -> Open the Console drawer. Click on the three-dotted menu -> Click on More tools -> Sensors. From the Sensors tab, set the location according to your preference and define the specific timezone. Refer to the image below to better understand how to set a timezone for testing in Chrome.

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Now we need to move ChromeDriver somewhere that Python and Selenium will be able to find it (a.k.a. in your PATH ). The easiest place to put it is in C:\Windows . So move it there!

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You can do it by adding Chrome's command line switches "--lang". Basically, all you need is starting ChromeDriver with an ChromeOption argument --lang=es , see API for details. The following is a working example of C# code for how to start Chrome in Spanish using Selenium.

1 Answers

You can do it by using Chrome DevTools Protocol, and here is the python code:

driver = webdriver.Chrome()
tz_params = {'timezoneId': 'America/New_York'}
driver.execute_cdp_cmd('Emulation.setTimezoneOverride', tz_params)
like image 114
garrythehotdog Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 20:09
