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How do I set a sql query parameter in Delphi that contains an '@' [closed]

I am querying a database using an email address. The address is like fred.o'neill@smxi.com

In Delphi that looks like fred.o''neill@smxi.com as the apostrophe is escaped of course.

Let's say the query is...

'select * from table where (email = ''%s'')'

Now if I just replace %s the query fails as it seems to see the value as 2 strings 'fred.o' and 'neill@smxi.com', i.e. it doesn't recognise the escape.

If the query is...

'select * from table where email = :email' 

...then the parameter is set to the email address. It works if there is no apostrophe but doesn't match the data if the email address contains one.

[edited to remove incorrect data]

Any suggestions?

like image 677
Russell Weetch Avatar asked Mar 23 '23 01:03

Russell Weetch

1 Answers

When using parameters, do not add the quotes or escape anything yourself.

This should work:

   email: String;
  email := 'fred.o''neill@smxi.com';
  MyQuery.SQL.Text := 'SELECT * FROM table WHERE email = :email';
  // Ensure that ParamCheck is enabled
  MyQuery.ParamCheck := True;
  // Explicitly set the type to string to ensure it's escaped
  // E.g. binary types are not escaped
  MyQuery.Params.ParamByName('email').DataType := ftString;
  MyQuery.Params.ParamByName('email').Value := email;
  MyQuery.Active := True;

If it's not returning anything, check the actual values that are stored in the database. It may have not been escaped properly when it was inserted.

like image 58
Marcus Adams Avatar answered Apr 06 '23 06:04

Marcus Adams