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How do I see currently executing web request on IIS 8



In IIS 7, I would click on "worker process" then "View Current Request" to see all the requests currently being executed.


In IIS 8, I do not see this option. Is there something I need to set up on IIS 8?

Edit: I tried running inetmgr as administrator as well.

like image 879
BillRob Avatar asked Mar 25 '13 17:03


People also ask

How do I see IIS requests?

In the Web Server Home Features view, go to the IIS section and select and open the Worker Processes feature. Select the Desired worker process then, in the Actions pane, click View Current Requests (or right-click on the Worker Process and select View Current Requests .

How can I see my worker process in IIS?

Open IIS manager and on the left side click on the name of your computer. You will then see a similar list of icons on the right as shown in the screenshot below. Double click on "Worker Processes" and you can get a list of which processes are currently running, here you can find your second process.

How the Web request is handled by the IIS server?

Protocol listeners receive protocol-specific requests, send them to IIS for processing, and then return responses to requestors. For example, when a client browser requests a Web page from the Internet, the HTTP listener, HTTP. sys, picks up the request and sends it to IIS for processing.

How request is processed in IIS?

IIS creates a new process. IIS will then provide the query string and other parameters that are included with the request through the environment and standard input (STDIN) handle for the process. ISAPI filters are always loaded as long as the Web service is running and a request to the server has been made.

2 Answers

There wasn't any UI hints, but was able to turn it on as a feature under server manager.

Server Manager -> Add Roles.

  • Web Server (IIS)
    • Web Server
      • Health and Diagnostics
        • Request Monitor
like image 170
BillRob Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 03:09


The required features can be installed with PowerShell.

IIS Manager:

Install-WindowsFeature Web-Mgmt-Tools 

Request Monitor:

Install-WindowsFeature Web-Request-Monitor 

With these features installed, run IIS Manager, browsing to the Worker Processes section shown in the screenshot below. From the list of Worker Processes, either double click on the process of interest to view currently executing requests or use the right-click context menu.

enter image description here

The back/forward arrows to the left of the address bar can be used to navigate back and forth between the list of requests and worker processes. The alt+left arrow / alt+right arrow keys perform the same actions.

like image 44
13 revs, 10 users 51% Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 03:09

13 revs, 10 users 51%