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How do you change session timeout in IIS 8.5?



I'm in IIS 8.5 on Windows Server 2012 R2 and I want to see what the session timeout is.

Under "Feature view", I see a session category so I open that up. Session state is set to in-process. Further down the window I see options to set timeouts but they are for cookies. I looked in the application pool and I saw an idle timeout set to 20 minutes: is this the session timeout? I'm used to IIS 7 where you click on the "ASP" feature and set it in there.

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Roto Avatar asked Aug 25 '16 19:08


People also ask

How do I change session timeout?

Select System administration > Setup > System parameters to open the System parameters page. On the General tab, in the Session management section, enter a value in the Session inactivity timeout in minutes field. Select Save. If you set the value to greater than 30, you will be prompted to confirm your selection.

What does the IIS connection timeout setting control?

The ConnectionTimeout property specifies the amount of time (in seconds) that the server waits before disconnecting an inactive connection. Specify a value between 1 and 65535 (0xffff). If a value outside of this range is specified, IIS uses the default of 120 seconds.

Does IIS have a timeout?

By default, the connection timeout for IIS is 120 seconds. The preferred timeout duration for Autodesk Vault Server is 900 seconds.

1 Answers

Yes, that is the session timeout setting in the "Session State" section.

Where to find the Session State settings

Where the timeout setting is

You can also control it programatically in the "web.config" file. Please see How to set session timeout in web.config. IIS Manager will change that for you with your current method.

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Andrew Morton Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 03:10

Andrew Morton