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How do I save an array of objects in a C# ASP.Net Sesssion?

I have in my C# ASP.Net program an array of objects that are filled in during a postback and I wish to recover them during the next postback. To this end I include the array declaration in the Default class definition which is saved thus:-

this.Session["This"] = this;

and recovered:-

Default saved_stuff = (Default) this.Session["This"];

This works fine for everything apart from:-

MyClass [] my_array;

When recovered, saved_stuff.my_array is always null.

MyClass is defined like this:-

public MyClass : ISerializable
    private string some_string;
    private double some_double;
    // some more simple members
    // Some getters and setters
    // ISerializable Implementation

I have tried making MyClass implement ISerializable but that doesn't make any difference. Does anyone know what I should be doing?

Edit to answer @Michael's question, I'm then doing things like...

for (int i = 0; i <= saved_stuff.my_array.GetUpperBound(0); i++)
    // blah blah

which is failing with "object reference is not set to an instance of an object". All the other member variables of Default are visible in saved_stuff when in debug.

like image 666
Brian Hooper Avatar asked Dec 14 '12 15:12

Brian Hooper

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1 Answers

You have to store your array data in its own session object:

MyClass[] my_array = //Something

Session["ArrayData"] = my_array;

Then retrieve it as:

var arrayData = (MyClass[])Session["ArrayData"];
like image 66
Azhar Khorasany Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 10:09

Azhar Khorasany