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How do i run a saved project from command line in CppCheck

I created a project in CppCheck named CppCheck_MainRls.cppcheck that includes several directories, i can run the project from the gui and it's working. my project is huge so i only need a few directories to pass through CppCheck and export the result into xml file (later to be read by jenkins)

The current command line is:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Cppcheck\CppCheck.exe" --enable=all  --xml-version=2 "C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\jobs\MainRls\workspace\Labs\VC++\AllShared" 2> cppcheck_result.xml

which is working great for the "AllShared" directory, how can i change it to read my project file?

like image 758
Mike Tishler Avatar asked Jan 08 '14 07:01

Mike Tishler

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1 Answers

I am a cppcheck developer. Currently, you can't use a gui project file directly in the shell client. However it is a good idea to allow it.

like image 50
Daniel Marjamäki Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 06:11

Daniel Marjamäki