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How do I reverse sort a slice of integer Go?



I am trying to reverse-sort a slice of integers in Go.

  example := []int{1,25,3,5,4}   sort.Ints(example) // this will give me a slice sorted from 1 to the highest number 

How do I sort it so that it goes from highest to lowest? so [25 5 4 3 1]

I have tried this


Source: http://golang.org/pkg/sort/#Reverse

However, I am getting the error below

# command-line-arguments ./Roman_Numerals.go:31: sort.Ints(keys) used as value 
like image 373
samol Avatar asked Aug 20 '13 19:08


People also ask

How do you reverse a sort order?

sort() method. This method requires two parameters i.e. the list to be sorted and the Collections. reverseOrder() that reverses the order of an element collection using a Comparator. The ClassCastException is thrown by the Collections.

How do you sort slices?

Use the function sort. Slice . It sorts a slice using a provided function less(i, j int) bool . To sort the slice while keeping the original order of equal elements, use sort.

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You simply pass an anonymous function to the sort. Slice function. This will sort in ascending order, if you want the opposite, simply write a[i] > a[j] in the anonymous function.

2 Answers

sort.Ints is a convenient function to sort a couple of ints. Generally you need to implement the sort.Interface interface if you want to sort something and sort.Reverse just returns a different implementation of that interface that redefines the Less method.

Luckily the sort package contains a predefined type called IntSlice that implements sort.Interface:

keys := []int{3, 2, 8, 1} sort.Sort(sort.Reverse(sort.IntSlice(keys))) fmt.Println(keys) 
like image 118
tux21b Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 01:09


package main  import (         "fmt"         "sort" )  func main() {         example := []int{1, 25, 3, 5, 4}         sort.Sort(sort.Reverse(sort.IntSlice(example)))         fmt.Println(example) } 



[25 5 4 3 1] 
like image 40
zzzz Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 01:09
