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How to use "internal" packages?



I try understand how to organize go code using "internal" packages. Let me show what the structure I have:

project/   internal/     foo/       foo.go # package foo     bar/       bar.go # package bar   main.go  # here is the code from main.go package main  import (   "project/internal/foo"   "project/internal/bar" ) 

project/ is outside from GOPATH tree. Whatever path I try to import from main.go nothing works, the only case working fine is import "./internal/foo|bar". I think I do something wrong or get "internal" package idea wrong in general. Could anybody make things clearer, please?


The example above is correct the only what I need was to place project/ folder under $GOPATH/src. So the thing is import path like the project/internal/foo|bar is workable if we only import it from project/ subtree and not from the outside.

like image 368
Timur Fayzrakhmanov Avatar asked Oct 26 '15 16:10

Timur Fayzrakhmanov

People also ask

What is internal package?

Internal packages are packages which are only intended to be used inside your monorepo. They're extremely useful for sharing code between apps in closed-source monorepos. Internal packages are quick to create, and can be turned into external packages if you end up wanting to publish them to npm .

How do I import internal packages into go?

To create such a package, place it in a directory named internal or in a subdirectory of a directory named internal. When the go command sees an import of a package with internal in its path, it verifies that the package doing the import is within the tree rooted at the parent of the internal directory.

What is internal folder?

The Internal folder stores intermediate results and configuration files required by SURE during processing. This folder stores the log files usually required when reporting issues to the Customer Success team.

How do you call a function from another package in Golang?

Create a file basic.go inside the basic folder. The file inside the basic folder should start with the line package basic as it belongs to the basic package. Create a file gross.go inside the gross folder. The file inside the gross folder should start with the line package gross as it belongs to the gross package.

2 Answers

With modules introduction in Go v1.11 and above you don't have to specify your project path in $GOPATH/src

You need to tell Go about where each module located by creating go.mod file. Please refer to go help mod documentation.

Here is an example of how to do it:

project |   go.mod |   main.go | \---internal     +---bar     |       bar.go     |       go.mod     |     \---foo             foo.go             go.mod 


module bar  go 1.14 


package bar  import "fmt"  //Bar prints "Hello from Bar" func Bar() {     fmt.Println("Hello from Bar") }  


module foo  go 1.14 


package foo  import "fmt"  //Foo prints "Hello from Foo" func Foo() {     fmt.Println("Hello from Foo") } 


package main  import (     "internal/bar"     "internal/foo" )  func main() {     bar.Bar()     foo.Foo() }  

Now the most important module project/go.mod

module project  go 1.14   require internal/bar v1.0.0 replace internal/bar => ./internal/bar require internal/foo v1.0.0 replace internal/foo => ./internal/foo  

Couple things here:

  1. You can have any name in require. You can have project/internal/bar if you wish. What Go think it is URL address for the package, so it will try to pull it from web and give you error
go: internal/[email protected]: malformed module path "internal/bar": missing dot in first path element 

That is the reason why you need to have replace where you tell Go where to find it, and that is the key!

replace internal/bar => ./internal/bar 
  1. The version doesn't matter in this case. You can have v0.0.0 and it will work.

Now, when you execute your code you will have

Hello from Bar Hello from Foo 

Here is GitHub link for this code example

like image 69
Vlad Bezden Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 21:09

Vlad Bezden

The packages have to be located in your $GOPATH in order to be imported. The example you gave with import "./internal/foo|bar" works because it does a local-import. internal only makes it so code that doesn't share a common root directory to your internal directory can't import the packages within internal.

If you put all this in your gopath then tried to import from a different location like OuterFolder/project2/main.go where OuterFolder contains both project and project2 then import "../../project/internal/foo" would fail. It would also fail as import "foo" or any other way your tried due to not satisfying this condition;

An import of a path containing the element “internal” is disallowed if the importing code is outside the tree rooted at the parent of the “internal” directory.

Now if you had the path $GOPATH/src/project then you could do import "foo" and import "bar" from within $GOPATH/src/project/main.go and the import would succeed. Things that are not contained underneath project however would not be able to import foo or bar.

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evanmcdonnal Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 21:09
