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How do I return data from a $http.get() inside a factory in angularjs

I'm having a lot of trouble with this and I can't seem to find anything here on SO or Google that helps me spot what I'm doing wrong

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html data-ng-app="testApp">
      <div data-ng-controller="myController">
            <li data-ng-repeat="member in members">{{ member.firstname}}</li>
      <script type="text/javascript" src="angular.min.js"></script>
      <script type="text/javascript">
         angular.module('testApp', ['memberFactory']);

         .factory('memberFactory', function($http){

            var obj = {};
            obj.data = "abcd";
            obj.getResponse = function(){
                var temp = {};
                        temp =data;


                return "some return value";

            return obj

         function myController($scope, memberFactory){ 
            $scope.test= "testString";
            $scope.test2= memberFactory.data;
            $scope.test3= memberFactory.getResponse();


the return "some return value"; works but when I try to return temp, its null. I have tried various ways to get this to work but I just can't seem to set the temp value inside the $http.get() function

It is probably something simple (or a silly mistake/misguided approach on my part). Any advice would be greatly appreciated

like image 925
jonnie Avatar asked Aug 07 '13 11:08


1 Answers

What's happening here is a result of the asynchronous nature of $http.get, When you run $http.get it doesn't run in order. That is, it 'branches off' and runs along side the rest of the code. This is done to accommodate for the server latency.

Here's a bad visualisation.

.getResponse Called                Return Temp.
                    $http.get ~Waiting for Server~    Temp assigned to data.

Can you see how Temp is returned before it's been given a value?

Thankfully, you can use what Angular calls a promise, This is a variable which you can return from a function, that gets 'resolved' later. You instantiate a promise like this.

var myPromise = $q.defer();

You assign values to it by using


You can then return this promise later in the function, in the normal way. ie.

return myPromise.promise

Of course, for all of this you need the $q library, which you include in the function parameters.

like image 110
Matt Cooper Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 15:10

Matt Cooper