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How do I retrieve a subset of fields using Spring's MongoTemplate and Query classes?


I want to be able to execute the following console command to return all rows with only a subset of fields populated but using Spring's MongoTemplate class:

Console Command



mongoTemplate.find(new Query(...), Person.class) 

Info on projection (subset) queries can be found in the MongoDB manual.

like image 568
JARC Avatar asked May 01 '12 10:05


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2 Answers

Query q = new Query(); q.fields().include("name"); mongoTemplate.find(q, Person.class); 
like image 80
JARC Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 22:10


mongoTemplate.getCollection(COLLECTION).find(null, new BasicDBObject(FIELD, "1")) 
like image 33
dan andrei zaharia Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 22:10

dan andrei zaharia