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How do I restrict signup to a product in Firebase

If I create a new product, use simple auth, there is a "create user" API. How do I restrict it so that only invited emails (either by the email or via a one-time key) can sign up? Doesn't seem to fit easily into the rules, but I am probably missing something.

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deitch Avatar asked Jul 18 '13 09:07


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1 Answers

First, I should point out that the core Firebase API uses JSON Web Tokens for auth, which you can generate yourself, so you have full control over the creation of user accounts and can restrict it however you like:


I'm guessing you're referring to our Simple Login service.

Simple Login is a service that provides some common login options. It has no way to restrict creation of new accounts. However, you can restrict what those accounts can do with Firebase. For example, you could set your security rules up so that only user accounts in some authorized list (in Firebase) are actually able to read or write data.

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Andrew Lee Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 23:10

Andrew Lee