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How do I refetch a query outside of its wrapped component?

I have two screens:

Screen1: Results

Screen2: Edit Filters

When I edit the filters on Screen2 and press back, I would like to refetch the query on Screen1 (with the newly built filter string variable). Editing the filters doesn't use a mutation or fire any Redux actions (I'm storing the users search filters/preferences in localStorage/AsyncStorage instead of a database, so no mutation). I'm merely changing the local state of the form and use that to build a filter string that I want to pass to a certain query on Screen1. I have access to the filter string on both screens if that helps.

It seems like refetch() is limited to the component its query wraps http://dev.apollodata.com/react/receiving-updates.html#Refetch so how would I re-run the query from a different screen?

I tried putting the same query on both Screen1 and Screen2, then calling the refetch on Screen2, and although the query works and gets the new data on Screen2, the same name query doesn't update on Screen1 where I actually need it. Isn't it supposed to if they have the same name? (but the filters variable changed)

enter image description here

If I am just designing this incorrectly and there is an easier way to do it, please let me know. I expect that if I have 2 screens, put the same query on both of them, and refetch one of the queries with a new filters variable, then the refetch should happen in both places, but it's currently treating them individually.

like image 726
atkayla Avatar asked Nov 07 '16 01:11


People also ask

How do you Refetch a query after a mutation?

To refetch a query from onQueryUpdated , call return observableQuery. refetch() , as shown above. Otherwise, no return value is required. If a refetched query's response differs from your update function's modifications, your cache and UI are both automatically updated again.

How do you Refetch a React query?

Using auto refetching in React Query To use the auto refetch mode, you can pass an optional parameter to the React Query hook called refetchInterval . The value is in milliseconds. const { isLoading, data } = useQuery( 'vehicle', async () => { const { data } = await axios.

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Unlike with useQuery , when you call useLazyQuery , it does not immediately execute its associated query. Instead, it returns a query function in its result tuple that you call whenever you're ready to execute the query.

1 Answers

I did the same thing here. The scenario: - I choose a peer to filter some messages. - I keep the peerId into redux - I make both components (the filter and the list) dependent on that redux value.

Like this:

1 - To put that filter value on redux (and to grab it back):

import { compose, graphql } from 'react-apollo'
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
export default compose(
        (state,ownProps) => ({ 
            selectedMessages: state.messages.selectedMessages,
            peerId: state.messages.peerId
        (dispatch) => ({
            clearSelection: () => dispatch(clearSelection()),
            setPeer: (peerId) => dispatch(setPeer(peerId))

when you call connect first (using compose), before you call a graphql wrapper, or outside that wrapper, you will have peerId available as a prop on your graphql wrapper, so you can use it to filter your query:

export default compose(
        (state,ownProps) => { 
            return {
                peerId: state.messages.peerId,
                selectedMessages: state.messages.selectedMessages
        (dispatch) => ({
            toggleMessage(messageId) {
    graphql( // peerId is available here because this is wrapped by connect
            options: ({peerId}) => ({variables:{peerId:peerId}}),
            skip: (ownProps) => ownProps.peerId === '',
            props: ({
like image 192
Bruno Reis Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 03:11

Bruno Reis